Thursday, May 1, 2008

This is our mission!

For many months now a few of us have had a vision to bless the Brints family by expanding their 870 sq. ft. home. Travis and Brenda have been a blessing to many over the years, as anyone who has met them can attest. They are in their mid 30’s, and their boys are 4, 3, and 2. The last few years have been challenging for them. However, their family has been a testimony of God’s provision, and we have a vision to continue His blessings for them.

Our heart is to bless them by remodeling and connecting their existing house to a garage they built themselves (with help from friends) about 5 years ago. The addition will be two stories, and will provide much more open space for them and their boys. We believe that God will use this opportunity to provide something that is “above and beyond”! Our goal is to raise the necessary materials, funds, and labor, as well as furnishings and whatever else is necessary to accomplish this vision. We will be contacting many corporations, businesses, builders, supply houses – and you, to assist us in this project.

We have a general list of all the items we will need. If you or your company could provide any of the things needed in any aspect of the building process please contact one of us at the numbers provided below.

"Now, unto him who is able to do exceedingly abundantly above all that we ask or think, according to the power that works in us, to him be glory in the church by Christ Jesus "
Ephesians 3:20-21


Katrina Stevens 806-577-8166
Nat Long 806-632-8265
Justin Barnard 806-773-1486


Becky said...

I am so excited by this project!! Even though we aren't there to help swing hammers and all that, I am so looking forward to watching God's provision pour forth on this project!! God Bless the Brints!!

connie said...

You guys are amazing! Seriously, the hands and feet...