Wednesday, July 16, 2008

Excellent Garage Sale!

We just finished our last garage sale. We did a one day sale on Sat. July 12th; we had another round of great donations! Thank you to everyone who donated items, time, and money to make this happen. Our total after the sale was $424.00, but as Travis and Brenda were packing up they made another $76.00, so for you math majors, that's a total of $500. Praise to the Lord for His provision!

Many people drove by and asked about the items. They were able to give away lots of things that would have been taken to goodwill and then sold some larger items. They even had a ministry opportunity to bless an 80 yr. old man named Bubba (who just moved to Lubbock with very little to his name) with some furniture and necessities to fill his home. He moved to a little back house just down the street from the Brints' home. Travis invited him to church and he accepted the invitation.

Thank you again to everyone who has prayed, participated, and gave financially to these fund raisers. The money is slowly coming in and we are in the process of contacting companies for material donations.

FYI, we added a link to people who have supported the project. If you have a blog page and would like your link to be added, please let us know so we can add your site.

We continue to ask for your prayers and encouragement in this project. We have already had many tax-deductible donations come in that have added to our efforts, so we are on are way!

If you wish to become more involved in this project physically, materially, or monetarily please contact one of us at the numbers below.

Blessings to you all,

Justin Barnard 806-773-1486

Nat Long 806-632-8265

Katrina Stevens 806-577-8166