Saturday, October 18, 2008

Albuquerque Balloon Festival!

We recently got to attend the ABF. What an amazing sight! Thanks to our friends Justin and Marla who put the idea in our heads. To David and Toni for loaning us their pop-up trailer and to our friend George for putting us up at a friends real estate office, with water and electric hook up!!!

We are very grateful to be able to build memories like these with our boys. Many people have said over and over again how fast they grow up and I am thankful we are choosing to spend as much time with them creating memories as we can.

We got there late Thurs. evening, just in time to set up the trailer and get the boys to bed for our early wake time of 5:45am. They did great, slept well and woke up OK. They were definitely awake by the time we saw the balloons getting blown up and heading off into the sky. WOW!!!

We got to go to a session Fri. am but the Fri. pm session was cancelled, so no balloons, but we did get to see an amazing firework show! Sat am was also cancelled so we decided to make a trip to the zoo. The boys first trip to the zoo....and did they love it. They loved seeing all the cool animals that the see in their picture books. Giraffes, lions, seals, monkeys, snakes, etc, etc. We saw it all.

I hope you enjoy the photos because we sure enjoyed making the memories!

Love to you all!

Wednesday, July 16, 2008

Excellent Garage Sale!

We just finished our last garage sale. We did a one day sale on Sat. July 12th; we had another round of great donations! Thank you to everyone who donated items, time, and money to make this happen. Our total after the sale was $424.00, but as Travis and Brenda were packing up they made another $76.00, so for you math majors, that's a total of $500. Praise to the Lord for His provision!

Many people drove by and asked about the items. They were able to give away lots of things that would have been taken to goodwill and then sold some larger items. They even had a ministry opportunity to bless an 80 yr. old man named Bubba (who just moved to Lubbock with very little to his name) with some furniture and necessities to fill his home. He moved to a little back house just down the street from the Brints' home. Travis invited him to church and he accepted the invitation.

Thank you again to everyone who has prayed, participated, and gave financially to these fund raisers. The money is slowly coming in and we are in the process of contacting companies for material donations.

FYI, we added a link to people who have supported the project. If you have a blog page and would like your link to be added, please let us know so we can add your site.

We continue to ask for your prayers and encouragement in this project. We have already had many tax-deductible donations come in that have added to our efforts, so we are on are way!

If you wish to become more involved in this project physically, materially, or monetarily please contact one of us at the numbers below.

Blessings to you all,

Justin Barnard 806-773-1486

Nat Long 806-632-8265

Katrina Stevens 806-577-8166

Thursday, July 10, 2008

#3 G-Sale Setup (the calm before the storm)

Thank you to the Fab 5 who helped us setup for Saturday! Thank you, thank you!! We also had some celebrities show up which included: Troy "GG" Aikman, Wendy the butterfly lady, Private 1st class Forest "Justin" Gump who also appeared later as the fairy godfather, and Mr. Las Vegas himself accompanied by his beautiful wife the Queen of the odds and ends table.

Thanks again for all of you who have donated in one way or another.

The Intervention Team

Tuesday, July 8, 2008

3rd and Final Garage Sale Fundraiser!

Thursday, July 3, 2008

Tax Deductable Donations!

If you are interested in making a donation to the Brints' Home Intervention please do so to the listed address below.

Encounter God Ministries
PO Box 64488
Lubbock, TX 79464

Thank you for your contribution and support!

The Intervention Team

Tuesday, June 3, 2008

2nd Successful Garage Sale

Hello everyone. The total is in from this past garage sale...$1260.00. Plus the first garage sale total of $1722.00, puts us in at $2982.00. Praise the Lord!!! The Brints' are so blessed by all the help and donations they have received for this cause.
Although this is a great start, we have a lot more funds, material and labor to pull this project together. We are grateful for those of you who have contacted us already and we ask you to continue to pray over this project and to pray what your involvement may be.
We are believing God for great things and we know that His plan is bigger than this intervention. We look forward to seeing what all God has in store not only for the Brints', but for everyone involved! Many blessings to each of you and your families.

Thursday, May 1, 2008

This is our mission!

For many months now a few of us have had a vision to bless the Brints family by expanding their 870 sq. ft. home. Travis and Brenda have been a blessing to many over the years, as anyone who has met them can attest. They are in their mid 30’s, and their boys are 4, 3, and 2. The last few years have been challenging for them. However, their family has been a testimony of God’s provision, and we have a vision to continue His blessings for them.

Our heart is to bless them by remodeling and connecting their existing house to a garage they built themselves (with help from friends) about 5 years ago. The addition will be two stories, and will provide much more open space for them and their boys. We believe that God will use this opportunity to provide something that is “above and beyond”! Our goal is to raise the necessary materials, funds, and labor, as well as furnishings and whatever else is necessary to accomplish this vision. We will be contacting many corporations, businesses, builders, supply houses – and you, to assist us in this project.

We have a general list of all the items we will need. If you or your company could provide any of the things needed in any aspect of the building process please contact one of us at the numbers provided below.

"Now, unto him who is able to do exceedingly abundantly above all that we ask or think, according to the power that works in us, to him be glory in the church by Christ Jesus "
Ephesians 3:20-21


Katrina Stevens 806-577-8166
Nat Long 806-632-8265
Justin Barnard 806-773-1486

Tuesday, April 29, 2008

First Fundraiser Huge Success!

Well we had our first fundraiser for the house intervention. We had a garage sale on April 18th and 19th. Through the donations of friends and family we raised $1722. It was a true taste of what God has in store for this project. Thank you to all who gave ot their time, prayers, donations and food. This was truly the "Body of Christ" in action. Thank you Jesus for your provision and love!!!